Gamification in the Toilets of Singapore Airport
>After a short holiday (21 days) on Bali I finally have time to write a new posting!
It’s been a very relaxing vacation, but as soon as I got back in Holland I moved offices (and home) to Amsterdam and I forgot to move my internet & Wifi connection… so that’s being taken care of and hopefully I will be online again starting next weekend, thanks to T-Mobile.
Just a quick posting of what I encountered during my trip to Bali at Singapore airport.
They actually have a touch screen hanging on the bathroom where you can rate the person taking care of the toilets! How cool is that?
I think it’s a great initiative and I hope that they pay a variable salary to the (wo)man in charge.
Be sure to send me your own examples of Gamification in Real life through Twitter (@BartHufen) or by email (
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